For The Music Video Major Task, I decided to conduct a Questionnaire to help me find out who my target audience would be for the music video that I was creating. I decided to keep it fast and straightforward so that the people who completed it would not get confused. I put together a set of 5 easy questions.
I shared the questionnaire across several different social platforms as well as Gmail. Firstly, I posted the questionnaire link on my main Instagram page and asked my followers to complete it. Then, I took some time to send the link to a few friends and asked them to complete it personally.
The first question was 'How old are you?'. This is essential as it will let me know the exact age group I need to focus on. In my case, the dominant audience, with a whopping 71%, will be around 16-19. The second most significant part of my audience will be 20-30 years old (14.3%), and lastly, 8.6% of my audience will be above 35.
In conclusion, my primary target audience is youth.
The second question is another fundamental question as it settles which gender my most significant audience will be. The question was simple and straight to the point, 'What is your gender?'. In my case, it is clear that a significant amount of my audience, with a high of 62.9%, will be females. I expected females to have a higher percentage as most of my followers on Instagram are females.
The third question was 'How often do you watch music videos?'. The answers I provided were of all ranges for it to be clear how often my audience watches music videos. This question ties in with the following question. The most significant part of my audience (48.6%) watches music videos 'occasionally,' and the second-largest amount of my audience (25.7%) watches them all the time. This is good news as it's more than likely that my video will come across several different people and will be viewed:)
The fourth question is a deeper analysis of the one before. This question was meant to understand where my audience comes across music videos. The vast majority, a whopping 88.6%, watch them online. This is no surprise to me, as I come across music videos on several different social media platforms and then watch them on YouTube.
The final question was a question of interest to see what music genre is most popular across my audience. I gave my audience six standardized genres to choose from and added an option to add other genres. The primary genre that is listened to is pop (51.4%) which is excellent news as the music video that I am planning to make will be part of that genre. The runner-up highest percentage is 22.9% which is part of the rap genre.
There were four added music genres: Trap, All, Bass music, and Country.