Given that Flair Magazine is a new product in the market, it is critical to cultivate a loyal fanbase to ensure that readers continue to read each sold issue. To attract many users, my team and I will need to advertise the magazine on prominent social media platforms. Theoretically, we will gain more customers by publishing the online edition of Flair Magazine. The online version would be easily accessible to all people from anywhere around the world. Retail and grocery stores, book stores, gas stations, and other locations will stock the printed format. However, to survive and succeed as a magazine corporation, we must find clever ways to advertise, sell, and distribute our publication to avoid falling behind and keep up with the pace of today’s popular magazines.
My team and I created an Instagram page for our magazine to share fascinating content with our readers. They could ask us questions, and we’d be able to respond professionally. To keep our readers engaged and interested, we decided to post every few days. We also intended to share behind the scenes, sneak peeks, mood boards, and other material. Since Instagram is a common app that people of all ages can use, promoting the magazine is both inexpensive and accessible to all.
We had an idea for our future plans to start a YouTube channel to host guests and models that appear in the magazine and connect with our audience through their likes and comments on our videos. Fashion magazines such as Elle and Vogue have youtube channels, and they continue to be successful due to the exclusive content they create by sharing videos about their publications. We will start sharing more interactive based content with artists once we have a solid fan base, which will help us to promote our brand even more. We aspire to be sponsored and funded by various companies so that more people can view our publications. For example, suppose Dior is willing to sponsor us. In that case, this will enable us to use their products and possibly display them on our models to promote our magazine and their product, ultimately attracting a larger audience.
Our future plans would be to use a more traditional approach and print fliers to distribute throughout the city, informing people that a new magazine had been released in the area. Another option is to be a part of newspapers or to send out weekly posts/reminders about our magazine. We might also use polls, ask for suggestions in the comments sections, and other methods to solicit feedback from them to continue to develop and better cater to our fanbase.
Lastly, when deciding on a price point for our magazine, our team collectively settled on 5 euros. We realized that keeping our rates comparable to our competitors would help our customers understand that our magazines’ pricing is reasonable due to our original and unique content production.